Notification of changes to the underlying fund of J43 Ninety One GS Global Multi-Asset Income

08 May 2024

J43 Ninety One GS Global Multi-Asset Income

We have been notified by the Directors of Ninety One Global Strategy Fund (the “Company”) of the following changes to the underlying fund of the FPIL mirror fund named above (the “Affected Mirror Fund”). These changes will take effect from 31 May 2024 (the “Effective Date”).

Change of name 
The Company has advised that following a review, they have decided to change the name of the underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund to the Global Managed Income Fund.  The Company believe the updated name of the underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund better reflects the investment policy of investing in a broad range of asset classes around the world with the aim of providing resilient income through managed volatility (the pace or amount of change in its value) to lower than 50% of that of shares of global companies (measured using the MSCI All Country World Index (Total Return Net)).

Accordingly, from the Effective Date the Affected Mirror Fund will be named J43 Ninety One GS Global Managed Income (USD).

Update to sustainability disclosure exclusions
The underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund promotes environmental and social characteristics by making investments in countries and companies which meet the standard of the underlying Investment Manager’s proprietary sustainability framework and by excluding investments in certain business groups and activities deemed by to have less favourable sustainability characteristics.

These exclusions prohibit or limit investment by the underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund in the excluded business group and activities. The Company regularly review the exclusions to ensure that the activities and sectors covered by the exclusions are clear, transparent and aligned with the intentions of the underlying Investment Manager. More detail can be found in the investment strategy section of the sustainability disclosures in Appendix 3 of the Prospectus of the underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund.

After undertaking a review, the Company has made some changes to the exclusions in the sustainability disclosures of the underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund. Please refer to the Appendix opposite for full details of the changes to the underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund.

The Company state that there will be no change to the investment policy of the underlying fund of the Affected Mirror Fund, the way it is managed, its investment strategy, process or its risk and return profile.

These changes will happen automatically within affected policies and policyholders do not need to take any action.  

Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact the Investment Marketing Team.