We have recently been notified by Emirates that due to the religious holiday of Eid Al Adha in July 2016, the underlying funds into which L43 Emirates NBD MENA Fixed Income & R92 Emirates NBD Islamic Global Balanced invest will not price on the following dates:
Tuesday 05 July 2016
Wednesday 06 July 2016
Thursday 07 July 2016
The underlying fund into which L44 Emirates NBD MENA Top Companies invests will not price on the following dates:
Friday 01 July 2016
Monday 04 July 2016
Tuesday 05 July 2016
Wednesday 06 July 2016
Thursday 07 July 2016
Please note that instructions received for L43 after the cut off time on Monday 04 July 2016 will not transact until the next available dealing date of Friday 08 July 2016; whereas instructions received for R92 after the cut off time on Tuesday 05 July 2016 will not transact until the next available dealing date of Monday 11 July 2016; and instructions received for L44 after the cut off time on Thursday 30 June 2016 will not transact until the next available dealing date of Friday 08 July 2016.
Should you have any questions regarding this update, please contact International Funds & Investments.