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Change of Investment Manager name to the underlying funds of various Old Mutual funds

23 October 2018

Notification of an Investment Manager name change to the underlying funds of:

  1. L64 Old Mutual Compass Portfolio 3 (GBP HDG)
  2. L67 Old Mutual Compass Portfolio 4 (GBP HDG)
  3. L65 Old Mutual Compass Portfolio 3 (SGD HDG)
  4. L68 Old Mutual Compass Portfolio 4 (SGD HDG)

Friends Provident International Limited (“Friends Provident International”) have been informed by Old Mutual Global Investors Series plc (“The Company”) that the underlying funds of the above named funds were subject to a change of name of their Investment Manager, which has come into effect from 28 September 2018 (the “Effective Date”).

The Company has stated the following:

“As you are aware, Old Mutual Global Investors Series plc (the “Company”) is an investment company with variable capital and with segregated liability between sub-funds, incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Ireland, authorised on 10 October, 1997 by the Central Bank of Ireland (the “Central Bank”) pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011 as may be amended (the “Regulations”). The Company is an umbrella company, which comprises a number of sub-funds (collectively the “Funds”), or when referred to individually, (a “Fund”).

With effect from the Effective Date, the name of the Investment Manager of the Company and the Funds will be changed to Merian Global Investors (UK) Limited.”

As a result, the name of the Investment Manager of the Friends Provident International funds named above has also been changed to Merian Global Investors (UK) Limited.

Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact International Funds & Investments.